It is well known that in the Basque Country we are pretty good at cooking and eating. That is probably true, but the real artists that make that possible are the local farmers that produce the best quality products, fresh, local and sustainable, and you can find them in La Bretxa Market in San Sebastian.
We must say that we are very lucky as every week, from Monday to Saturday, the local farmers are outside the La Bretxa Market in San Sebastian selling their products with their biggest smile 😊
Also, the relationship that you can build with the farmers when you buy at the market, goes beyond than buying a simple product: they are like an open encyclopedia, explaining you with all kind of details the characteristics of each product:
- where it is grown
- how many months lasts the season
- how you can cook it and when you must consume it.
This is not about just doing the shopping, this is about knowing what we are eating.
🥦🍆🥔🥕🍅 We love to shop in our daily #farmersmarket

Whenever you think in Sevilla, one of the first images that comes to your mind is a plate or jar full of olives or bunch of bottles of olive oil. Yes, you are right. And also you are right if you think that in San Sebastian we don’t have (still) olive trees.
BUT, we have Aurelia,the best expert together with her husband Manuel that brings the best quality olives from south of Spain and make unique mixes, with paprika, parsley, onion, black pepper, pickle pepper, garlic, sweet pimenton curry. At @bretxoliva you can find the perfect mix for you ! 💙 Our favorite mix are the #donostiarra olives: mixed with pickle peppers, parlsley and chopped onion.

🧀 Idiazabal cheese is by its excellence the most famous cheese of the Basque Country, it became part of our culture, part of our heritage. Imagine how important it is that it has its own institution which check and verify that each cheese-farm comply with the standards provided by the institution.
In the Idiazabal cheese institution, they state how Idiazabal cheese must be produced, how many months must be aged, how much fat percentage must have, how should be the rind cured or smoked and they even have a guide that says how we should cut the Idiazabal cheese:into equal wedges by slicing it first across the middle, then making further cuts across the width of the cheese.
Its okey to follow the rules and to follow the traditions, but sometimes you just need to take some risks and start doing things differently, like our favorite butcher, cheese expert and better person @miryammurua from @mercadobretxa, who just started cutting the cheese like the swiss Tête de Moine, giving more flavor actually to the cheese.
💙 So we do at Basque Tours, we love our traditions, customs and the history, but we are always getting new ideas and discovering all the hidden places for you because it’s our passion to SHARE THE GOOD